Why Abstract Art?

When I started painting seriously in 2019, it was about picking up a brush and letting it take the lead—letting go of control and experiencing emotional and mental release. What took place subsequently was an almost daily painting practice and a realization that art is more than a source of comfort. It has the capacity to connect us to a higher spiritual dimension.

Abstract art in particular, is interesting because of its’ ambivalent quality.  It doesn’t point us to actual objects and people. Instead, it invites imaginative thinking and heightens our response to physical sensations.

With abstract art, recurring imageries and thoughts are brought back to life through colour, light and composition. The right combination creates magic! It stirs the inner spirit. It brings joy and a sense of peace.

Every artist employs abstraction to various ends. Some artists focus on the physical gestures, inner emotion, and thinking. Others are interested the manipulation of material, surface textures, colour and process. But all these elements are at play during the making of abstract art.

For me, it is a great way to be in the moment. There is something about the play of pure colour and composition that is very meditative. If I had to find a parallel, I would say that it is akin to composing a song without words.

Abstract art is simply about creating energy with rhythm, balance and contrast.