Recover your Creative Potential with the Artist’s Way


The Artists’ Way by Julia Cameron is a wonderful book that has changed my own approach to artmaking. Julia Cameron stresses from the beginning of the book that artmaking is a spiritual process. Any creative act for that matter, help us tap into a higher spiritual power that is the source of our creativity. This applies not only to “professional artists” who make a living doing art but to anyone at all who is involved in ANY creative endeavour. This realisation helped me change my mindset about my own creative potential and move into a creative space that is much more liberating and less judgmental.

The book itself is divided into 12 chapters with techniques, exercises or assignments in each chapter that help you move from being stuck as a creative to being able to freely express yourself without judgment. And for those of you who say, well I don’t make ‘art’, this book seems to be asking, why not?

Here are my 7 personal takeaways from the book.

  1. God has an unlimited supply of creativity and everyone has equal access to it.

  2. Art making is a spiritual process because when we are open to our creativity, we are open to God who is the source of all creativity

  3. This process does not happen magically or naturally but is teachable and trackable.

  4. Identify negative thought patterns and replace them with truths about your own creative potential and you will see your artistic self grow exponentially.

  5. Your artistic self is like a child that needs to be protected. It needs time and space to play, experiment and make mistakes.

  6.  Surround yourself with people who will champion your creative self-worth

  7. As you recover your artistic self, your life will be driven by love and not by fear.